
‘Black update for Nokia Lumia 625 brings double-tap to wake feature

The Lumia 625 is an odd duckling amongst the Nokia range of Windows Phones. It's not on many major carriers, and doesn't garner a lot of attention, only it'southward a darn cool phone. Coming in with a 4.7" display, the Lumia 625 is a upkeep phone with a big screen. It later inspired the massive Lumia 1320 too (review this week), with its rounded edges and wallet-friendly price.

Ane downside of lower cost phones is of course, less features. For instance, the Nokia sectional 'double-tap to wake' is found on almost devices except the lower cost ones. The Lumia 520 has it, but only for AT&T. The Lumia 525 has it out of the box. The Lumia 625 doesn't have it either. Until at present.

Nokia has begun pushing out the Lumia Black firmware, which likewise includes Microsoft's Update three to the Windows Phone 8 operating organisation. One new characteristic for Lumia 625 owners is the very 'double tap to wake' feature that was previously missing. The update came out a while ago, but we figured better late than never as one of our readers dutifully reminded us.

Users must get through the easy update process (Settings > Telephone Update > Check for update) to get both the OS and firmware changes, and be on the latest version of Extras + Info and Touch apps from Nokia. Once completed, users can head into Settings > Touch and enable the 'double tap to wake' feature.

'Double tap to wake' enables the brandish to remain active, even when in standby. Users can then literally double tap the phone and the brandish will plow on. It's useful for when wanting to bank check for messages or glance the Start screen one handed, as users can featherbed the physical power push button. Of course using this characteristic will consume a minimal amount of bombardment life, equally nothing is complimentary in life.

Unfortunately, the Glance screen feature (clock and notifications when the display is off) did not make it over to the Lumia 625. Similar the Lumia 520 and Lumia 525, that feature is just not supported.

Have you updated your Lumia 625? Let united states of america know how you lot similar the Lumia Blackness update, which includes many new features, including photographic camera improvements, Driver fashion and more.

Via: WinPhoneViet; Thank you, tungha and InfernapeXavier, for the tips!


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