
How To Get Rid Of Flies In Your Yard

how to get rid of flies

Also called Musca Domestica, the common house fly is a health hazard and a nuisance. Because the house flies love to hang out on fecal matter, rotten food, and garbage cans, their tiny body hairs, known as Tarsi, may carry up to one million bacteria, which they may easily transmit to you by sitting on foods, surfaces, and places, where food is prepared. Cholera, diarrhea, typhoid, dysentery may all be transmitted by them.

Flies are attracted to unclean areas, vegetation, food, and moist climates such as drains. In fact, if you want to keep your family healthy, you have to keep your house clean.

However, if you are already doing that and you have still got house flies, you can try some ways listed below. These ways are affordable, safe, natural, and effective.

If you do not have talcum powder, you may also use a good antiperspirant on your feet in order to make them dry for a long time. There are various other easy and simple ways for foot odor. In this writing, will show to you top 23 ways on how to get rid of flies naturally in house without any side effect. This article listed the best methods to remove flies from reliable sources. It will be better if you have professional help to deal with this problem. In the meantime, however, you may try some ways at your house to help control this infestation. Continue reading this article to understand more!

Top 23 Ways On How To Get Rid Of Flies Naturally In House

1. Apple Cider Vinegar

how to get rid of flies

One of the best ways on how to get rid of flies is to use apple cider vinegar. Flies are often attracted to the smell of fermented things. Whenever you heat apple vinegar, it will release an ore smell that can attract flies, which will draw them into a trap.

Way 1: Apple cider vinegar


  • Apple cider vinegar – ½ to 1 cup
  • A glass jar (without or with lid)
  • A funnel (if using the jar without a lid)


  • At first, you heat the apple vinegar by using a microwave oven or a pan.
  • If you use the jar with a lid, you make some small holes on its lid so that the flies can enter this jar.
  • If you do not want to destroy this lid, you can also use the funnel. If you cannot find one, you may make a funnel with a paper by folding and then stapling it thoroughly in the cone shape (leaving a small hole at the end).
  • Now, you fill the jar with the heated apple cider vinegar and you place this lid with holes over this jar.
  • If you use the funnel, you place it on the mouth of this jar with the narrow side inside it.
  • Now, you place this jar in some places where have may house flies.
  • You let it stay there for one day. Flies will be attracted to the scent of vinegar and enter this jar through the holes. When they enter the inside, they get trapped.

Way 2: Apple cider vinegar and liquid detergent


  • Apple cider vinegar – ½ cup
  • Liquid detergent – ½ cup


  • Firstly, you take apple cider vinegar and liquid detergent.
  • Then, you add them into a small bowl and mix them well.
  • Finally, you place this bowl in a fly-infested place.
  • Flies are attracted to the vinegar smell and get stuck into the detergent.

Learn more: Health and beauty advantages of the consumption of apple cider vinegar

2. Lavender Oil

how to get rid of flies

Lavender oil is another way on how to get rid of flies in house and outside that you can try! Thanks to its calming scent, it is also used to protect clothes from moths. The most important thing is that it can repel black flies, fleas, greenflies, whiteflies, and black beetles. Moreover, it can also protect you from bites of mosquitoes and other insects.


  • Lavender oil – ½ to 1 cup
  • A tin can with a lid
  • A cloth


  • Firstly, you pour lavender oil into a bowl.
  • Then, you dip the cloth into the oil.
  • Next, you place this cloth in a container and you cover it with one lid.
  • Now, you leave it for one day.
  • After that, you remove the lid and put the container in a fly-infested place.
  • You may soak the cloth again as needed.
  • Then, you cover and store it when not in use.

Note: You have to dilute lavender oil because it can cause allergic reactions.

See more: Simple tips to use lavender oil for skin, hair, and health

3. Wine

how to get rid of flies

Flies are particularly attracted to white and red wine because this is one of the fermented things. Hence, you should use it as another way in the list of top natural ways on how to get rid of flies in house.

Way 1: Red or white wine


  • Red or white wine – ½ cup
  • A glass


  • At first, you pour the red or white wine into the glass.
  • Then, you put this glass into a fly-infested place.
  • Flies are attracted to it and then drown in the wine.
  • You should repeat this way regularly.

Way 2: Wine and liquid detergent


  • Wine – ½ cup
  • Liquid detergent – ½ cup


  • At first, you mix wine and liquid detergent together into a small bowl.
  • Then, you put the bowl into a fly-infested place.
  • Flies are attracted to the wine smell and get stuck into the detergent.
  • You can repeat this way regularly.

Way 3: Wine


  • Wine – ½ cup
  • A wine bottle
  • A plastic wrap


  • Firstly, you leave a little wine in the wine bottle.
  • Next, you cover the mouth with a plastic wrap and then poke some fly-size holes in it.
  • Then, you put the covered bottle into a fly-infested place.
  • Flies are attracted to this wine smell and become trapped in this bottle.
  • You may repeat this way regularly.

Read more: Health advantages of red wine for men and women

4. Lemongrass Spray

how to get rid of flies

This is one of the ways that not only keep house flies away but also keep your house refreshingly aromatic because flies do not like the scent of lemongrass. Therefore, you may use the essential oil taken from lemongrass to make a flies spray that also acts as a room freshener.


  • Lemongrass essential oil – 11 to 12 drops
  • Hot water – 5 tablespoons
  • A spray bottle


  • At first, you pour the lemongrass essential oil into the spray bottle.
  • Then, you pour hot water into it and shake them well to mix these ingredients.
  • Now, you spray this mixture around your windows and doorways or other areas from where flies may enter your house.
  • In addition, you may also spray it directly onto the flies wherever or whenever you spot them, you just keep it handy so that you may find and use it without difficulty.

To discover more ways on how to get rid of flies in house, you should continue reading the next part of this article.

Learn more: The book of 3 week diet

5. Milk, Sugar, And Black Pepper

how to get rid of flies

The mixture of milk, sugar, and black pepper is used as an effective way on how to get rid of flies in house for centuries in England. While sugar and milk attract flies, black pepper can knock them out.

If you're bothered by fruit flies, here is an old recipe to prepare a trap for them. This way has been used since ancient times in England. Because sugary substance attracts fruit flies very effectively, it is used in this recipe for trapping flies.


  • Sugar- ¼ cup
  • Milk – ½ liter
  • Ground pepper – 4 tablespoons


  • Firstly, you add milk, sugar, and black pepper into a saucepan and mix them well.
  • Then, you let it simmer for 10 to 15 minutes.
  • Next, you pour the hot mixture in shallow bowls.
  • Finally, you put these bowls in fly-infested places.
  • Flies are attracted to this mixture and whenever they land on it, they will suffocate and drown.
  • You can replace other bowls when necessary.

See more: Health and nutritional advantages of raw milk

6. Eucalyptus Oil

how to get rid of flies

Eucalyptus oil is another way on how to get rid of flies in house thanks to its strong odor. You should dilute it with water or any another essential oil before applying it to your skin.

Way 1: Eucalyptus oil


  • Eucalyptus oil – ½ cup
  • Fabric strips


  • Firstly, you soak fabric strips in eucalyptus oil.
  • Then, you hang them in doors and windows.

Note: You do not use this way if you suffer from epilepsy or high blood pressure or if you are pregnant.

Way 2: Eucalyptus oil lotion


  • Eucalyptus oil – 1 part
  • Water – 10 parts


  • Firstly, you add eucalyptus oil and water into a small bowl.
  • Then, you mix them thoroughly.
  • Next, you put a tiny amount of this mixture on your skin to check for allergic reactions.
  • Finally, you can apply this lotion onto your bare skin frequently to repel flies.

7. Honey And Water

how to get rid of flies

This is literally a trap which you use honey in order to trap the flies. If the sweet scent of honey attracts the flies in your house, its sticky nature will not allow the flies to escape. In fact, you may even use fruit jams for the purpose. The scent of fruits will bring the house flies close your trap and they are stuck when they enter it.


  • A plastic bottle
  • Honey – 1 to 2 teaspoons
  • A little water
  • Dish soap liquid – a few drops


  • Firstly, you cut the plastic bottle in half so that the bottom half is slightly taller.
  • Then, you fill the bottom half with a little water to the halfway point of it.
  • Next, you add the dish soap into it and stir them well.
  • Now, you spread honey evenly on the mouth this top half.
  • After that, you turn the top half upside down and put it in this bottom half.
  • Finally, you place the entire bottle into the fly-infested place.
  • Flies are attracted to the honey scent and fall through this funnel and drown.

Read more: Natural health advantages of honey for skin, hair, and body

8. Overripe Fruit

how to get rid of flies

Seeking simple ways on how to get rid of flies in house, you should not pass this way because flies do like the scent of overripe fruits.


  • Ripe or overripe fruit – 1
  • Mason jars
  • Plastic wrap


  • Firstly, you cut ripe or overripe fruit into chunks.
  • Then, you put these chunks in the mason jars.
  • Next, you cover the jars with the plastic wrap.
  • Now, you poke holes in this plastic wrap.
  • After that, you place the jars outside the windows and doors in sunny areas.
  • You leave them for a few minutes till the jars are full of the flies.
  • Now, you submerge the jars into a bucket that has warm soapy water and leave it for 10 to 15 minutes.
  • When the jars are full of dead flies, you wash them out with soapy water.
  • You may repeat this way regularly.

9. Water-filled Plastic Bags

how to get rid of flies

It is one of other oldest and most extensively used ways on how to get rid of flies in house that you should follow. People say it acts because water may distort the vision of flies and produce reflections that cause them to become disoriented. In addition, in the eyes of flies, the water-filled plastic bag seems to be similar to a spider's web, which they will naturally avoid.


  • Water
  • Plastic bags


  • Firstly, you fill the plastic bags with water.
  • Then, you zip or rubber-band, or tie the tops of these plastic bags.
  • Finally, you hang them in the doorways or other entry points in the house.
  • You may follow this way frequently to keep flies away.

10. Cloves And Lemon

how to get rid of flies

Cloves can give you a pleasant aromatic, but flies cannot stand in front of their scent. You can mix them with lemon in order to make a super-powered repellent.

Way 1: Cloves and lemon


  • Lemon – 1
  • Cloves – 6 to 12


  • Firstly, you cut the lemon in half.
  • Then, you poke the cloves into two lemon halves so that these bud ends stick out.
  • Now, you leave them on a place or dish in the table during outdoor meals in order to repel flies.

Note: In addition to lemon, you can also poke these cloves into apples.

Way 2: Cloves


  • Cloves – a few
  • A cheesecloth


  • Firstly, you wrap these cloves in the cheesecloth.
  • Then, you rubber band or tie the top.
  • Finally, you hang it in the fly-infested place.

Learn more: Health and beauty advantages of lemon juice, oil, and peel

11. Essential Oils

how to get rid of flies

If lavender oil seems to be the most effective, some other essential oils such as peppermint, citronella, and pennyroyal can also repel flies in your house when mixed with alcohol or water.


  • Peppermint or citronella or pennyroyal oil – 1 part
  • Water or alcohol – 3 parts
  • A cloth
  • A bowl


  • Firstly, you mix peppermint or citronella or pennyroyal oil with water or alcohol in the bowl.
  • Then, you dip the cloth in the mixture.
  • Next, you place this cloth in a container and then cover it with its lid.
  • Now, you leave it for one day.
  • After that, you remove the lid and put the container in the fly-infested place.
  • You can also soak the cloth again when necessary.
  • You should seal and store it when not in use.

12. Homemade Flypaper Strips

how to get rid of flies

Fly ribbons or commercial flypapers are coated with fragrant and sticky substances, which are poisonous to flies as well as other insects; however, humans are no exception. The way below doesn't use chemicals, which are hazardous to human health.


  • Corn syrup – ½ cup
  • Sugar – ¼ cup
  • Brown paper, paper, or thin cards
  • Thread
  • Scissors


  • At first, you cut brown paper, paper, or thin card stock into some 2-inch wide strips.
  • Next, you punch the holes at the end of these strips and then tie a string to them.
  • Then, you mix corn syrup and sugar in the bowl.
  • Now, you coat one side of these strips with this mixture.
  • After that, you hang them up in a fly-infested place and put the bowls underneath them if they drip.
  • Flies are attracted to the syrup and stuck in it.
  • You may discard old strips and then make new ones as necessary.
  • You should follow this way regularly to remove house flies

13. Basil Leaves

how to get rid of flies

Thanks to the scent of basil, it is also one of the effective ways on how to get rid of flies in house and outside that you should try. You can plant it in the pots near the doorways to keep flies away from the house. In addition, you can also use it in the cooking to benefit from the antibacterial and antiviral properties in it. Apart from basil, you may plant lavender, mint, marigold, tansy, bay leaf, wormwood, and rue to repel flies.


  • Dried basil leaves 2 teaspoons
  • A cheesecloth


  • At first, you place the dried basil leaves into the cheesecloth and you tie the top shut.
  • Then, you hang this bag near your doors and windows to keep flies away from your house.
  • You may replace other basil leaves when they lose their scent.

See more: Health advantages of basil

14. Clove Oil And Olive Oil

how to get rid of flies

While cloves can be used as an excellent fly repellent, you can also use its oil in order to create a skin lotion that you are disturbed by flies until they are completely exterminated from your house. Nevertheless, you cannot apply clove oil directly onto your skin because it may cause irritation along with burning sensation, or damage to the nerve functioning. You can use some diluting agent for making this useful skin lotion to repel flies.


  • Clove oil – 1 teaspoon
  • Olive oil – 10 teaspoons
  • A small bottle


  • At first, you pour clove oil and olive oil into the bottle.
  • Then, you shake them well.
  • Now, you apply this lotion onto your uncovered body parts when you need to keep flies or other small insects away from you.

Read more: Health and beauty advantages of olive oil

15. Camphor Tablets And Hot Water

how to get rid of flies

Being a dry, waxy, and white substance, camphor is derived from the laurel wood. It is a strong scent that can help to repel flies and other insects. In addition, it also contains antibacterial and antiviral properties. You should avoid using camphor during pregnant because it can cause side effects.

Way 1: Camphor tablets


  • Camphor tablets – 2
  • A plate


  • Firstly, you place these camphor tablets onto a hot plate.
  • Then, you put this plate in the fly-infested places.
  • The heat will cause these tablets to emit smoke that will repel flies.

Way 2: Camphor tablets


  • Camphor tablets – 2


  • Simply, you place the camphor tablets in the fly-infested place.
  • Then, you leave them in there to repel house flies with their odor.

Way 3: Camphor tablets and hot water


  • Hot water – 1 bowl
  • Camphor tablets – 2


  • Firstly, you pour hot water into the shallow bowl.
  • Then, you add these camphor tablets into it and stir them well.
  • Finally, you put this bowl in the fly-infested places.

16. Cucumber

how to get rid of flies

Cucumber is also one of other effective ways on how to get rid of flies in house and outside that you should not pass. The fragrance of cucumber can repel flies completely.


  • Cucumber – 1


  • Firstly, cut this cucumber into slices.
  • Then, you put these slices in the fly-infested places.
  • Finally, you put them on or near garbage cans to prevent house flies from laying eggs into the garbage.

Read more: Beauty and household benefits of cucumbers

Additional Tips:

  • You can use ultraviolet fly traps, electronic fly swatters, counter insect repellents, fly lights, or non-toxic homemade insecticides to get rid of flies.
  • You should spray essential oils in the rooms of your house daily and make sure that window screens are intact.
  • You may mix cayenne pepper and water together and spray the solution onto window and door frames.
  • In fact, the cinnamon aroma can repel flies. You put some cinnamon sticks onto a few plates and put them in the fly-infested places.
  • You have to keep your house clean as well as use disinfectants.
  • You should use a lid on the garbage, keep this dry, and remove it regularly.
  • You should eat vegetables and fruits before they become bad and do not leave them out to attract the flies.
  • You should remove pet feces regularly.
  • You do not leave standing water whenever you water your yard and garden.
  • You can also put cedar wood chips around your yard and house to repel flies thanks to their scent.
  • Use non-toxic homemade insecticides.

Related article:

Simple and effective remedies for flies in your house and outside

If you want to know more about natural ways for many other diseases and conditions related to your skin and health, go to our main How to page. After reading the article of top 23 ways on how to get rid of flies, hope that you can find out the best solutions to remove flies naturally in house. Nevertheless, the article is only for the informational purpose, thus, you should meet your expert to get advice before applying any natural way. If you have any question, or you know other ways on how to get rid of flies, please leave them below.

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Last Updated: October 30, 2021 by

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How To Get Rid Of Flies In Your Yard


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